Vojo.com & Vojo.net For Sale

Domain Names For Sale:

VOJO.com & VOJO.net

$3.0 million

VOJO - This original word is easy to say in every language. It could be the brand name for your new corporate product.

Four letters and two syllables that rhyme.

What's in a name? Everything.

Typical industries to make best use of this brand name:
Autos, electronics, food & beverages, personal care, pharmaceuticals, consumer durables, telecommunications, chemicals, cosmetics, clothing, shoes and yours.

BONUS package deal: both the VOJO.com and VOJO.net domain names included, which have been saved for 21 years.

Advertising Agencies: Remember your client who needs a product name? Send them the link to this eBay page. Now onsale at eBay only at this link:
